Many people often ask themselves about who’s the highest damage dealing champion in League of Legends, either because they want a high damage champion to play or they just want to have that knowledge about the game. Today we’re here to tell you all about this topic and show you which champions have the highest burst damage and the highest consistent damage for top lane.
In this role there are lots of bruisers and damage dealers on the current meta such as Garen, Riven, Fiora, Irelia, Jax, Tryndamere and Jayce, however, they are not the best when it comes to dealing damage.
Kayle is a melee hyper scaling champion with an unique passive (Divine Ascent) that gives her bonus attack speed for each auto attack dealt up to 5 times, after getting maximum stacks she becomes exalted, getting bonus movement speed. She also ascends 3 times through the game at levels 6, 11 and 16, with massive power spikes.
At level 6 she becomes ranged, obtaining bonus 350 attack range, having a total of 525.
At level 11 when she is exalted her auto attacks launch a bonus wave of fire dealing extra damage to all enemies that it passes through.
At level 16 Kayle is permanently exalted and gets bonus 100 attack range, getting a total of 625.
Her Q (Radiant Blast) is a missile that deals damage to enemies that it passes through, reducing their armor and magic resistance by 15%.
The Righteous E (Starfire Spellblade) empowers her next auto attack dealing additional damage based on the enemy’s missing health, this gets stronger after her second ascension as this ability becomes an explosion around the target, damaging everything it hits. Its passive ability empowers all Kayle’s auto attacks, making them deal more damage.
This is the top laner with highest consistent damage because she got lots of buffs on the auto attacks and she can build Riftmaker, giving her bonus 15% true damage
Here’s a clip of RATIRL demonstrating how late game Kayle looks like.
Gangplank is an hyperscaling champion with unique mechanics in the top lane as he has his E (Powder Keg) to control the lane and poke enemies followed by his Q (Parrrley).
His passive (Trial by Fire) empowers his next auto attack, dealing true damage over 2,5 seconds and granting him movement speed for 2 seconds.
This champion’s Q (Parrrley) fires a shot to his target dealing physical damage, applying on-hit effects and can critically strike. If Gangplank farms creeps with his Q he receives bonus gold and Silver Serpents, used to upgrade his ultimate.
The Saltwater Scourge’s E (Powder Keg) places a keg in the ground that can connect to other kegs that you place nearby, these start with 3 health points after being placed, falling over time until it stays at 1 health point, then he can explode it to deal damage to anyone that is in range. These can be exploded by auto attacks and his Q, dealing damage according to your auto attack or Q and bonus physical damage while ignoring 40% of enemy’s armor and slowing them down. This can also critically strike and apply on-hit effects dealing 25% damage on top of everything.
His ultimate (Cannon Barrage) shoots a flare in the air, signaling his airship to fire upon the target location for 8 seconds, damaging and slowing enemies. This can be upgraded
up to 3 times, each costing 500 Silver Serpents.
Death’s Daughter shoots a massive cannon ball on the center of his ultimate, dealing bonus true damage and slowing more the targets it hits.
Fire At Will makes his ultimate shoot additional 6 waves, being a total of 18.
Raise Morale grants Gangplank and his allies 30% bonus movement speed within his ultimate area.
This is the top laner with most burst damage since he can mix his Q and E and critically strike up to 1900 damage on the entire enemy team, adding his ultimate and he can one shot everyone that stands in his way.
Here’s a clip of Solarbacca killing a full tank Shyvana in the late game in about 2 seconds and destroying the enemy team afterwards.
You should try these 2 champions out and see for yourself this incredible damage as you might have a lot of fun killing entire teams! Don’t forget to share our article and discuss it with your friends!