The information in this post has been updated for 2024.
Wrecking Ball, a hero in Overwatch 2, is facing challenges and struggles in the game. Despite being fun to play in casual modes, the hamster in a metal ball tank is facing difficulties in Quick Play and Competitive Ladder. This has led players to wonder if Wrecking Ball needs a rework.
At the moment, in season three of Overwatch 2, Wrecking Ball is one of the least popular tanks in the game. When compared to other strong tanks like Orisa, Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va, or Roadhog, Wrecking Ball’s playstyle simply doesn’t measure up.
The current design of Wrecking Ball is meant to be a backline disruptor that does damage and builds shields before rolling away.
This leaves the rest of the team vulnerable. In Overwatch 1, teams had a main tank and an off-tank, with Wrecking Ball filling the latter role and causing chaos for the enemy team. However, in Overwatch 2, Wrecking Ball is on its own, leading many players to believe it needs a rework.
As of now, there are no public plans for a Wrecking Ball rework in season 3. Although several tanks were changed in the update, Wrecking Ball was left untouched. As Overwatch 2 is a live-service game, it’s highly possible that changes will come to the hamster if it continues to struggle.