Playing against a fed Renekton as Ahri can be a daunting task, especially when he starts to dominate the game in the mid-game phase. In this blog post, we’ll explore some strategies and tips to help you navigate this challenging matchup and contribute to your team’s success.
Understand Your Limitations:
As an Ahri player, it’s crucial to recognize that you may not be able to 1v1 Renekton in the mid-game, especially if he’s ahead. Renekton’s kit, combined with his bonus health from his ultimate, makes him a formidable duelist. Attempting to fight him head-on is likely to result in an unfavorable outcome for you.
Focus on Early Game Dominance:
One of the best ways to deal with a potential Renekton threat is to establish dominance in your own lane early on. By securing a lead in the laning phase, you can create pressure and look for opportunities to rotate and assist your top laner when Renekton tries to push the lane.
Play Defensively and Use Your Mobility:
If you find yourself in a 1v1 situation against Renekton, prioritize your safety. Always use your Charm (E) defensively to deter his engages. If he manages to all-in you, don’t hesitate to use your ultimate to create distance and escape. Ahri’s mobility is one of her greatest strengths, so make sure to utilize it effectively.
Itemization and Runes:
When it comes to itemization, consider building Luden’s Echo into Horizon Focus for increased damage output. While items like Morellonomicon can provide healing reduction, the impact of anti-heal has been diminished over time, making it less effective against Renekton’s sustain.
Coordinate with Your Team:
Dealing with a fed Renekton is not a solo endeavor. Communicate with your team and coordinate your efforts to apply pressure on the map. Focus on securing objectives like towers, dragons, and Rift Herald when Renekton is occupied elsewhere. If he overextends, look for opportunities to collapse on him with your teammates.
Adapt Your Playstyle:
Against a dominant Renekton, you may need to adjust your playstyle. Prioritize farming safely and avoid overextending in lane. Use your range advantage to harass him when possible, but be prepared to give up some CS if necessary. Remember, your goal is to scale and contribute to teamfights later on.
Vision Control and Map Awareness:
Maintaining proper vision control is crucial in this matchup. Keep track of Renekton’s movements and communicate with your team about his whereabouts. If you spot him roaming or overextending, ping your teammates to avoid potential ganks and capitalize on his absence.
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Playing against a fed Renekton as Ahri can be challenging, but it’s not an insurmountable task. Focus on early game dominance, play defensively when needed, and coordinate with your team to apply pressure across the map. Adapt your playstyle, maintain good vision control, and look for opportunities to make picks or force favorable fights. Remember, League of Legends is a team game, and working together is key to overcoming any fed enemy champion.