The recent 13.1b update in League of Legends brought significant changes to the ADC role and itemization, leading to adjustments in the overall rankings. Choosing the right champion is crucial for success in the game, as there are over 160 champions with various abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.
ADCs are known as the “glass cannons” of the game, with a primary focus on dealing damage from a safe distance. The best ADC champions are those who can strike a balance between inflicting damage and avoiding harm. Some recent additions to the role have escape mechanisms, but good players can still exploit mistakes in positioning.
With so many champions to choose from, the viability of ADCs tends to fluctuate due to meta shifts and updates. Currently, Seraphine is the highest win rate ADC with a 53.74% win rate, while Caitlyn is the most popular with a 49.95% win rate and a 22.6% pick rate.
It’s important to note that the best ADC in League of Legends is subject to change due to regular updates and patches, as champions can gain or lose power. The meta is constantly evolving, making it important to stay up-to-date and adapt to the latest changes.
Tristana, the Yordle Gunner, is a classic champion who has re-emerged as a top pick in the bot lane due to recent game updates. She was one of the original 40 champions in League of Legends and remains a formidable and aggressive ADC.
Her complexity can be challenging to master, but when used correctly, Tristana can be a devastating force on the battlefield. Her E ability has significant impact, but also tends to push the lane, making her vulnerable to enemy junglers. Tristana must be played with skill and confidence, but for those who can handle her, she’s a top-notch ADC.
Tristana excels against bot lanes that lack disengage options and is particularly effective against ADC and enchanter duos like Senna and Soraka/Sona. When played correctly, she can quickly take control of the lane and dominate the game.
Tristana’s primary rune tree is Domination, which emphasizes her explosive power. Her keystone rune, Hail of Blades, provides a significant attack speed boost after attacking an enemy champion three times. Secondary runes like Triumph and Legend: Bloodline can enhance Tristana’s survivability.
In terms of item builds, Kraken Slayer is a great choice for raw damage, while Galeforce offers versatility against nimble enemies. Build Phantom Dancer or Lord Dominik’s Regards, followed by Infinity Edge and a late-game Guardian Angel or Maw of Malmortius.
Kai’Sa, the Daughter of the Void, has seen a resurgence in popularity following recent improvements to her AP ratios and ability to shred tanks. Despite not being the strongest laner, her high mobility and adaptability in the late game have made her a popular pick. While Kai’Sa is not the highest win-rate ADC in League of Legends, she’s easy to learn but hard to master.
Kai’Sa is a versatile champion, with a hybrid build option available to suit the team’s needs. She is a great choice for players looking to specialize in ADC or to try a new champion, as she doesn’t have any unwinnable matchups. However, she can struggle against ranged champions in the early game, and against champions with strong peel abilities in the late game.
In terms of runes, Hail of Blades is the recommended keystone for Kai’Sa, granting her efficient passive activation and assassin-style play. Secondary runes, such as Precision or Sorcery, can be chosen based on the player’s preference or the matchup. The current best item build for Kai’Sa includes Navori Quickblades, Kraken Slayer, Phantom Dancer, Lord Dominik’s Regards, and Bloodthirster, with Guardian Angel as a potential defensive option.
Jhin, the Virtuoso, is a popular ADC champion in League of Legends (LoL) known for his distinctive playstyle and immense damage output during late stages of the game. His abilities and kit make him a formidable opponent for close-range ADCs like Tristana, Nilah, and Samira, who are thriving in patch 12.23.
Jhin’s long-range attacks, swift movement speed, and extra utility make him a challenging adversary for players who prefer quick, mobile champions. Though he may take some time to master, Jhin is a strong pick in the current meta and an excellent choice for players with strong positioning and game awareness.
Jhin is a versatile champion that can be picked in almost any game situation. Despite having a reload mechanic that limits his damage output on objectives and towers, he makes up for it with his fourth shot that deals massive damage to enemies. Although he doesn’t have enough attack speed to use tank shredding items like Blade of the Ruined King, Jhin’s fourth shot can quickly take down tanks with its percentage health damage.
Jhin’s strengths make him an excellent pick in solo queue games, as long as players know how to make the most of his abilities. However, if you prefer champions with close-range and high mobility, Jhin may not be your cup of tea.
The most effective rune setup for Jhin is a Precision page with Fleet Footwork. Fleet Footwork grants extra movement speed and a heal, while Legend: Bloodline helps compensate for Jhin’s lack of lifesteal. Presence of Mind and Coup de Grace are great for Jhin’s high damage abilities and for finishing off low-health enemies. Sorcery is a great secondary for Jhin players looking to scale into the late game.
Jhin’s Mythic item is Galeforce, and Lord Dominik’s Regards is the better choice over Collector for late-game scaling. Infinity Edge is the next item to consider after Galeforce, followed by Rapid Fire Cannon for extra range and Guardian Angel for late-game protection. Alternatively, players can choose Maw of Malmortius or Mercurial Scimitar for protection against magical burst damage or hard CC respectively.
Nilah, the Unbridled Joy, was not exactly a game-changer when she was introduced to the world of League of Legends. She didn’t have an outstanding win rate at the time, nor was she considered a weak champion like Zeri or K’Sante. Instead, she was seen as a specialized character with specific applications, not quite as good as other options in her role.
Today, she remains somewhat of a niche pick and thrives in certain team setups more than others. But her capability to block auto-attacks and outgrow her opponents has allowed skilled players to excel with her.
Playing Nilah, however, is not like playing other ADC champions. Knowing how to stay alive in close-range combat and maneuver with her mobility requires mastery, and her power progression is unique among champions in her role. There are both pros and cons to playing Nilah, and it takes time to learn how to balance these factors to best use her strengths.
When is the right time to choose Nilah? Despite having a low play rate, Nilah has been consistently at the top of win rate charts, only getting better with each patch as players refine the optimal build for her. She pairs well with enchanter champions, which are popular in the current meta, and can also be played in a more supportive role when paired with carry support champions like Pyke.
Although she lacks the range of other ADCs, she makes up for it with her gap closing and utility. Learning Nilah takes time and patience, but she is worth the effort.
Runes and Build for Nilah in League of Legends For Nilah, runes that improve her sustainability and keep her in fights are key. Conqueror is the recommended rune, as it is especially beneficial for her as a melee champion with some range. Triumph, Legend: Bloodline, and Last Stand also help her stay in fights.
Domination runes offer more damage and snowball potential with Sudden Impact and Treasure Hunter. For lanes with heavy poke, Resolve with Revitalize and Second Wind is a great option to give you some wiggle room during the laning phase.
Seraphine has returned to the bot lane after a period of less than impressive performance, and with the start of Season 13 she’s once again making waves in the spotlight. Her champion kit is packed with features, making it hard for her to stay off the top of the win rate charts for long.
She has a straightforward time during the laning phase, with simple mechanics and compatibility with most support champions in the game. She also boasts impressive scaling into the late game.
If you’re new to the role or worried about being autofilled, Seraphine is an excellent choice. With powerful poke and ample utility, she can keep her team alive even in tough team fights.
The only time to avoid picking Seraphine is when your team is heavily dependent on magic damage. In such a scenario, the enemy will build magic resistance, making it difficult for you to deal damage and secure objectives.
If your mid and top laners pick AD champions, Seraphine is a top pick. With extra gold from laning, she boasts deceivingly high damage, making her a stronger ADC than support. In short, she’s the most consistent and easiest ADC champion to win games with.
Seraphine ADC runes and build Seraphine’s ADC runes should enhance both her damage and support abilities. Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, and Transcendence improve her abilities and mana management. Gathering Storm complements her late game scaling, while Scorch is a good option for bullying in lane.
Inspiration is a popular secondary choice, with Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insight leading the pack. Resolve is also a viable secondary option. Revitalize and Bone Plating can save you from early pressure against all-in bot laners like Tristana. With many options to explore, don’t be afraid to experiment with different runes once you become more familiar with the champion.
In terms of item builds, Seraphine does not have a standout Mythic item. Both Liandry’s Anguish and Moonstone Renewer are viable choices, catering to different playstyles. The Tear of the Goddess should be stacked early, with Archangel’s Staff being a typical second buy. Seraphine excels with utility items such as Chemtech Putrifier, Rylai’s, and Zhonya’s. Although raw damage items can be used, Seraphine benefits more from utility items due to her high base damage and low cooldowns.